Families and Kids

Families are central to our church. While we value every generation, singles of all forms, we celebrate and value our families. Hence, we invest a huge amount of our energy and resources to fuelling and forming our families.

So, if you are a Christian family, or checking out this God thing and want or need support, we are listening!

Our children and family ministries include:

Oasis – Sunday’s 10.30am concurrent with our family oriented service, but also life oriented events of our church’s life is for, with and by our families. One small example is our Shrove Tuesday (each year the day before Ash Wednesday) when we  have an all church pancake event unpacking the meaning of Shrove Tuesday and why pancakes…, and the kids love it! We cater to all generations providing a space to play and connect, enjoy one another and just be “us” with anyone invited to join us!

Mainly Music is for pre-school aged children and a parent/caregiver.  It is a wholesome easy connect entry ministry of our church. It’s a safe place to come do a fun healthy developmental activity, as well as good play space during morning tea. It is often a sanity break for mums or caregivers,  including grandparents !

School Holiday  Programmes are a staple hit for our community.  During school holidays (2nd week, and late-January right before the new school year begins) we host our programme with two streams.  The Junior Stream is for school years 1-4.  The Senior Stream is for school years 6-8.  This allows age appropriate fun and development.  We open registrations six weeks prior to the programme, and it literally fills almost immediately, so watch for the promotions.  We do have active waiting lists and it does move, so put your hand up!  

Families need positive support, and simple ongoing ideas of the new seasons with their kids.  Having good social fabric for our kids is important.  

Simply stated, it is hard for families today.  It is also a complex world and society.  Covid changed everything!  We also deal with complex situations, be it a regular family in tough seasons, or families  with more complex contexts, we’re accustomed to giving relational care for needs  and supporting them in these harder times.

Supporting parents is a high priority.  To be good parents, couples need to be in a good place and have good solid tools and perspective within themselves.  Need to talk?  Let us know!  

SO, know clearly that you’re invited, welcome and there is always room at the table!

Questions?  Contact oasis@stchristophers.org.nz for Sunday mornings, holidays@stchristophers.org.nz for our holiday programmes or children@stchristophers.org.nz for our children and families pastor, Stephanie Thompson Tiong.  

