St Christopher’s is a joyful faith community of
hope and authenticity.

There is always room at the table for you.

Upcoming Events



What’s important?  Who are we?  What will we do to live authentic to our hearts, our convictions?  What matters?

Yes, we are in an era where change is moving at an unsustainable pace, where everything is questioned; where we’re more connected than ever, but never more lonely and authentic unconditional love is scarce; where we confess a spiritual thirst, but are unsure about God and what it implies for our lives.  Ours is a church  where skeptics and saints, sinners and the sarcastic, the well to do and the hungry, where those with clear belonging and those wandering are all accepted and belong.

As for us, we’re not perfect. We have scars and shortcomings. Yet, we are a people, a place of hope, a future, and transformation from a life as sold to us in the media to one that is unconditional, gritty and honest, a journey shared together, with an unshakable purpose and reason to get out of bed in the morning. Come, explore, question, wrestle, grow in a trusted environment where you’ll be accepted, can unwrap it all and just be. Come gain the confidence to be vulnerable and celebrated right where you are, and invited to go places you’ve never dreamt.

As for you, you may have great faith, or wonder if there is a God at all, or you’re very wary from some experience you don’t have words for.  You may be trying to keep it together, or simply sense God is wooing you, calling you, a longing for connecting to the deep yearning within.  It doesn’t matter – at all.  You’re welcome here.  We’ll be a safe place to unpack it, wrestle it, taste and see and we will walk with you through it.  You may be ready to jump in, or just watch.  You are welcome here.  There is always room at the table for you.  No matter who you are.

Latest News

Smashing Holiday Programme in April School Break!

Another awesome holiday program – full of noise, chaos, fun, arts, craft, games, stories, food and new friends. This holiday we visited the gym school – lots of tumbling, rolling and vaulting. The crash mats were a a big hit.  Lots of tired kids on the way home. One of our back at the base […]

Wonderful Lent through to Passion Week

We enjoyed a fantastic wonderful Lent through to Passion week where so many people were engaged by the Spirit and drawn to worship through the season, especially the week, the different days, as our tradition walks one day at a time.  Thanks to all who helped this happen so well! From the Passion week, you’ll […]

Easter Camp 2024!

This year was one of the good ones!  Weather, relationships, fun and God doing HUGE things in the group, including SEVEN coming to faith!

Young Adults Sailing in Akaroa

A new variation this year!  Sailing lessons, not just the help as we sail the channel!  Tacking and trimming the main sail… fun day!  Thanks to Roy and the Fox II crew! A fun overnight time with dinner on the queue, late night chats, and being away from it all!

Our Gathered Community Schedule

Sunday 9am

Sunday 9am

A larger service where traditional worship is expressed.

Important start time Note: 

Sunday 9am

A larger service where traditional worship is expressed.

Important start time Note:  Please see Events on the top of the home page for any special


Sunday 10:30am (w/ children's ministries through intermediate)

Sunday 10:30am (w/ children's ministries through intermediate)

A larger service where contemporary worship is expressed.

While this service is the

Sunday 10:30am (w/ children's ministries through intermediate)

A larger service where contemporary worship is expressed.

While this service is the same as the 9am congregation, the music is different and the feel more

Wednesday 10am

Wednesday 10am

This is a beloved congregation.  When younger ones do get to attend,

Wednesday 10am

This is a beloved congregation.  When younger ones do get to attend, they discover the more reflective, quiet and centred form of worship is very

The Forge( Yr 9-13) & Embers (yr 6-8)

The Forge( Yr 9-13) & Embers (yr 6-8)

The Forge - our youth (secondary school age) group! Embers - our group

The Forge( Yr 9-13) & Embers (yr 6-8)

The Forge - our youth (secondary school age) group! Embers - our group for year 6-8 students! FORGE - SECONDARY (yr 9-13)! Each Wednesday evening during school terms,

The Crew - Young Adults

The Crew - Young Adults

Where our young adults (university age through 20’s) come together to share

The Crew - Young Adults

Where our young adults (university age through 20’s) come together to share life and grow in following Christ together in every day life and relationships. Young

Oasis Children's Programme

Oasis Children's Programme

We meet on Sunday mornings during the 10.30am Family Service at the

Oasis Children's Programme

We meet on Sunday mornings during the 10.30am Family Service at the church.  Our Oasis Children's Programme is for Preschool, Primary (2 years through year