Seniors – Aged to Perfection

We have a very, very active Aged to Perfection collection of people at our church! AND as we consistently say, 
“there’s room at the table for you!”

There are multiple avenues to participate. Here are just a few:

Worship services: Our Wednesday 10am using the British Book of Common Prayer (most traditional) service is a lively group that enjoys this reflective gathering. With 40-45 people regularly, this service is followed by the welcoming morning tea together. Sundays, 9am service is more traditional, using the NZ Prayer Book, and multiple instruments, including organ/piano. It’s a lively bunch though. Afterwards they have a raucous morning tea, and then almost half of the 100 or so attending, many of whom are seniors, head over to the very nearby Montieth’s and continue their social connect.

Little Dove is a Friday afternoon 1-3pm connect for people to do their thing! It includes afternoon tea, but people may play mah jong, or chess, checkers or knit, read or just have a yarn. Everyone is welcome to this group. There are people for whom their only connection with us is Little Dove. 

Movement & Music on Mondays, 12.15-1/.15pm followed by Afternoon tea (the favourite part) during school terms is a fun healthy way for balance, soft and fun physical development and cognitive agility, led by professionals. A fun group that laughs through the entire time, including the tea afterwards. Give it a go – contact us if you’re interested in checking it out:

There are life groups, Bible Studies & Women’s Fellowship large and small, meeting in the day time or evening, weekday or weekend.  Also amongst these small groups are social connects for seniors of various flavours and groups that exist to labour in prayer.

In-door Bowls is a winter activity for our church that has existed for decades. This lively group plays together most Tuesday evenings March-October.

Our church is dependent on the seniors, with energy, wisdom and experience!  They serve in the quiet ways, sorting books for our trust, cooking for a myriad of events and ministries, serving in services, labouring in pastoral care and prayer, helping in worship, children’s and youth ministries. They are significant contributors, worshipping in their giving and care for those in the winter of life. It’s impossible to list the many ways they contribute. You’ll find them cleaning the church, or organising books for kids, in mentoring a teenager, or working in our gardens. They love and own this place with their hearts. We celebrate and make space for everyone who has a desire to serve and give and the seniors here set the example!

For information on all these groups, contact us at

