Clergy    Vestry  Staff

Rev Michael Brantley

Michael’s experience ministry with youth, university, young adults, planting fresh expressions of church, missions in persecuted church contexts, and vicar/senior pastor, as well as an Army combat officer prepared him for his role here over years.  He is experienced in pioneering and revitalising churches.  Developing leaders and engaging with the secular community and developing the next generations, are his passions.  Michael is a member of Diocesan Standing Committee (Cabinet for Synod out of session for governance and counsel to the Bishop), and ADMSC (Anglican Diocese Ministry Staff Committee, governance for the Anglican Centre and its ministries), as well as on the board of Church Army New Zealand, the Order of the Mustard Seed (24/7 Prayer International) and pioneer and ongoing director of CRM NZ.


Rev Michael Brantley

Georgina Ennor

Georgina, long term member of St Christopher’s is our Vicar’s Warden.  She is a forward thinking empowering leader who brings practical solid leadership.  Her church wide role is focused in being the closest counsel to the vicar.


Georgina Ennor

Robyn Campbell

Robyn, our People’s Warden, and leads our pastoral care team, helping our vicar lead the parish and handles many of the logistical and pastoral needs within our church.  She is a natural team builder and helping as a change agent!


Robyn Campbell
  Clergy    Vestry  Staff

Rev Dr John Fox

John, native Christchurch lad, who while teaching at Auckland University in Literature heard a call to pursue ordination as a priest.  Leaving his career and being ordained, he was a curate at Sumner Parish, where he was beloved and he loved.  John became the Lead University Chaplain at UC in 2021 where he services half time and serves with us half time, which is actually about 75% each role!

Surprisingly one of John’s greatest gifts is with the senior members of the parish.  John’s keen grasp on words and concepts, he is a keen communicator and an invaluable asset supporting Michael and making the vision reality.


Rev Dr John Fox

Stephanie Tiong, Children’s & Familie’s Pastor

Stephanie first arrived in Christchurch as a college/high school student attending Middleton Grange; then university.  She and Paul (Thompson) have two lovely daughters, Zoe and Zara.  Stephanie, here for well more than thirty years has a back ground in psychology & counselling working in Mental Health & Disability, as well as lecturer in Health Sciences.  She has experience in children’s and families’ ministry with Christchurch Community Church, not far from here. 


Stephanie Tiong, Children’s & Familie’s Pastor

Jack Hollis

Jack leads our Oasis Ministry (Children’s Ministry on Sunday Mornings during 10.30am Services), does 24/7 Youth Work at Merrin School and helps lead a life group for Forge (secondary youth ministry).  Jack is studying at Laidlaw College for a degree in theology.  Further, Jack leads the Junior Trek (School years 1-4) in our Holiday Programmes.


Jack Hollis

Laly Samuels

The Vicar, Wardens and vestry discerned to add Laly midyear 2021, and was unanimously added at the end of our Patronal Feast Day of St Christopher on 25 July!  Laly, a scientist with lots of letters behind her name, has a long investment into our church, leading in several areas and brings huge insight to our vestry.


Laly Samuels

Reuben Maddock

Reuben leads Embers, our intermediate ministry, with a great team of leaders, for both Tuesdays and Sundays.  Reuben is soon to finish his Bachelors of Theology at Laidlaw College, and comes with a variety of leadership experiences, including being formed here in our parish for future leadership.  Reuben grew up in Lincoln and his hobbies include massive reading and study of Scripture and dead theologians. 🙂


Reuben Maddock

Rev Jim Robb

Jim is a very experienced priest helping administer ministry and pastoral care within our church.  Jim and Sandra (Jim’s wife) are highly valued pastors of our 9am Sunday & 10am Wednesday congregations.  In addition, Jim helps by stewarding our liturgical planning & preparations.  Sandra helps in several roles in pastoral care, and ministry in our rest homes.


Rev Jim Robb

Rev Eric Etwell

A very experienced priest and former vicar of many years, Eric serves as an associate priest within our parish.  Eric is a key pastoral priest for our Sunday 9am congregation.  Eric and Raelene (Eric’s wife) also have a significant presence at Somerset Wigram where he has initiated and leads ministry there.


Rev Eric Etwell

Mark Squire

Mark has been a part of our family for over thirty years.  He’s been part of the leadership team, well over twenty years.  Mark is one of the worship team and tech leaders and cares for all the audio-visual systems for our parish, as well as runs the enormous audio/visual systems for the huge Easter Camps each year.


Mark Squire

Cam Murray

Cam grew up at St Christopher’s.  Along with working as the facilities manager, Cam coaches rugby and is hands on raising his and his wife’s two lads!  Cam’s joy and positive can do attitude is such a great gift to our parish!


Cam Murray

Emma McBride

Emma McBride has grown up in the church, and has been and is heavily involved in music and theatre at a noted level in the city.  As well as serving in our worship team, Emma joined the staff as the parish administrator in 2021, bringing a great energy and joy to the office engaging across the challenges faced by this role.


Emma McBride

Barbara Price

Barbara has long been a part of St Christophers.  After many years in the financial industry, she joined the church and divides her time caring for our church and overseeing a gymnastics gym.  Her entire family is involved in the church, and she has a ministry mind far wider than our finances!


Barbara Price

Murray Irvine

Murray, was co-opted onto vestry for 2022.  a long time member of the parish, is a sort of not really retired real estate agent with most of his adult life invested in our community.  His help and development in helping in the smart physical and hospitality experience (He and Eileen owns a successful hospitality venue for many years), as well as building a smart business sense is indispensable.  At the next AGM he’ll be nominated as a full member of vestry.


Murray Irvine

Miriam McFie

Miriam, having grown up in our ministry, is an Embers intermediate volunteer leader for both Sundays and Tuesdays.  She was our Embers key leader, but is focusing on 24-7YW at Westburn now.  In the past she led our Senior Track (years 5-8) of our holiday programme and is studying at Laidlaw Bible College.  🙂



Miriam McFie

Jay Brantley

Jay is our secondary (The Forge) youth pastor.  After a season rebirthing intermediates and doing 24/7 Youth Work (which he continues at Westburn School), he’s changed to leading secondary.  He also is studying at Laidlaw Bible College, as well as adventure Christian camping with Scripture Union.  Jay has also invested in developing our Holiday Programme for intermediate age.  Prior to St Chris’ Jay had several years in youth ministry and leading a life group of peers with his peers in the Wellington Diocese and studying at Massey in Palmerston North.  Jay is engaged to Dani (an experienced youth leader in her own right!).


Jay Brantley

Kirsty May

Kirsty May serves on our vestry and often is most helpful with her legal mind, not just on legal counsel to be wise, but her critical strategic perspective and thinking wider than the issue at hand. Kirsty is a veteran and serving member of Standing Committee (Synod cabinet when Synod is out of session, serving as governance and counsel to +Peter).


Kirsty May

Lance McBride

Lance is part of our worship team and is almost finished his PhD at present.  Lance gets where we need to go today to reach our vision of tomorrow.  he serves as well as our parish CYPSO (safety review for all children and youth events).


Lance McBride

Vilna Gough-Jones

Vestry member with oversight garnering external support for our 24/7 effort, holiday kids’ programmes & other endeavours qualifying.  Vilna is also a service leader/liturgical assistant for our 9am congregation.


Vilna Gough-Jones

Jean Williamson

Jean has been part of our parish for over 20 years.  She assists with Mainly Music and book fairs.  She is also a trustee of the Ingwavuma Orphan Trust Fund of NZ, a beloved mission associated with our church.  Originally from South Africa, Jean is a great example of our global parish family!


Jean Williamson