Come and join us for singing, dancing and fun! We are a group for preschool children and caregivers where we learn together through music, action and play. The sessions involve a range of rhymes, songs, instruments and movements tailored for preschoolers’ physical and cognitive development. Each session has opportunities for children to help up the front (if they would like) and interactive songs or rhymes to participate in with their caregiver.
Our action-packed, interactive music session is followed by morning tea and play time; a chance for children to eat and play together and for our adults to chat and connect with each other. We have a fabulous team of lovely bakers from our parish who spoil us each week with home baking as well as an indulgent array of tea and coffee options (espresso coffee, plunger coffee, tea, herbal tea and more) to make morning tea a real treat.
Day: Mondays (during school term time)
Time: 9.30am start
Location: 244 Avonhead Road
Visitors are always welcome, we look forward to meeting you!
For more information please contact:
Sarah Hancock
Phone/Text: 021 0822 4856
Email: mainlymusic@stchristophers.org.nz
We now have an online registration form for our Mainly Music programme. If you are new, or need to update your details with us, please click on the link below to complete the online form:
Online Registration form for Avonhead Mainly Music
2020 Term Dates
Term 2
Starts Monday 4 May
Ends Monday 29 June
No session on Queen’s Birthday Monday
Term 3
Starts Monday 20 July
Ends Monday 21 September
Term 4
Starts Monday 12 October
Ends Monday 7 December
No session on Labour Day Monday
Join our private Facebook group to keep up to date with the latest news and events: Avonhead Mainly Music