There are lots of options and means to make it convenient and easy!

1.  Most of our giving today is through electronic banking, AP.
You can easily do this online.  Our account number is 01-0819-0009353-03.
In the comment box, put your name.  Naturally, you can do one-off giving or ongoing.  If there is anything specific regarding your giving (eg 24/7 gift), contact  Barbara will gladly help you.

We have additional methods as well.
2.  During our services we take up a collection.  This is sometimes cash or the envelope system most common amongst our most senior saints.

3. Also, offertory gifts can now also be made at Sunday services via EFTPOS. The EFTPOS machine will be on the welcomers’ desk in the foyer, along with instructions on how to use it (but feel free to ask for help if needed.)

4.  If it best suits you, you can drop by the offices (Thomson House (small office building at the back of the church property as you drive through).  Walk in any weekday 9-2pm for reliable presence of staff and chat with some one inside!

5.  We do help people discern planning a bequest, that legacy of investment into what matters most to people, upon their death.  Please contact or (03) 358.8780 if you would like to explore a Bequest Plan.

AND thank you for investing in what matters, eternally!

Framing Thoughts Around Giving
When you give, we pray you give as a compelling response and expression of your love and worship of God.  We pray you give because you are moved to, want to and it gives you cheer.  St Paul wrote that it should not be from compulsion, but cheerful hearts.   He goes on to say that our giving is without any expectaion of return – in other words, to control, manipulate or because we’ll benefit at all… it’s a gift of worship and love.

When we give, we’re investing in something bigger than now.  Jesus spoke more about money, it’s miss use etc than any topic.  In St Matthew 6 he says we’re investing in the Kingdom, one that lasts!

So what does this mean for us, here, practically?  Where does our giving go?  What does St Christopher’s use it for? 
All funds go to one thing – the building of the Kingdom. Yes, it may pay an electric bill, rates, or for maintenance.  Yes, it may pay a staff salary.  It also goes to fund ministry to students (24/7 & youth ministry), young adults, children and families, our seniors, teaching, worship, leader development.  It goes to helping people in need right in our own neighbourhoods.  It helps us communicate in this social media age.  It helps us develop the next generation and to do the communicating the hope of Jesus to a society – our own community – that doesn’t know Him.  It may look like ESOL language courses, or Mainly Music.  It may be Adventure Retreats for young adults with Scripture Union, or Life Beyond Noodles, or parenting seminars, all avenues that allow us to get to know, and to be better known and trusted that people may see Christ in and through us and become thirsty to know Him.  We do love unconditionally and we love our community not to bait and switch, but because that’s who God is and who hence, who we are.

A small portion goes to our diocese (more than 60 parishes, with additional ministry and mission units, which helps us do things well, from ministry support and leadership, to our gathered diocesan family endeavours (chaplains in various roles from hospitals, prisons, police, etc) and our joint mission and ministry.  There is momentum when we we row together!  The diocese also helps us get more affordable insurance and helps us interface with the Crown.  An examples is the Crown funds made available during the Covid-19 crisis in NZ.

The last detail about our giving is that we do support a small group of missionaries.  These are all associated with Church Missionary Society, begin in 1812 at Cambridge Univesity by Rev Charles Simeon, Vicar of Trinity Church, King’s College.  CMS, an evangelical incarnational mission, has missionaries sent around the world.  We support three Kiwi families sent from Christchurch to SE Asia.

So we encourage anyone led by God to join us in giving to what we’re working on here and now in our own community through this church.