Category:   Vestry  

  Clergy    Vestry  Staff

Rev Michael Brantley (on leave)

Michael’s experience ministry with youth, university, young adults, planting fresh expressions of church, missions in persecuted church contexts, and vicar/senior pastor, as well as an Army combat officer prepared him for his role here over years.  He is experienced in pioneering and revitalising churches.  Developing leaders and engaging with the secular community and developing the next generations, are his passions.  Michael is a member of Diocesan Standing Committee (Cabinet for Synod out of session for governance and counsel to the Bishop), and ADMSC (Anglican Diocese Ministry Staff Committee, governance for the Anglican Centre and its ministries), as well as on the board of Church Army New Zealand, the Order of the Mustard Seed (24/7 Prayer International) and pioneer and ongoing director of CRM NZ.


Rev Michael Brantley (on leave)

Vilna Gough-Jones

Vilna, a parishioner of 30 years with many family ties to St Christopher’s and has taken on numerous different roles within the church. Currently she is a Liturgical Assistant (lay service leader), prayer advocate, encourages community building events, Life Group Leader, been a member of vestry since 2016 and loves St Christopher’s as her spiritual home. She has three married children and five grandchildren.


Vilna Gough-Jones

Georgina Ennor

Georgina is our Bishop’s Warden, and longtime member of St Christopher’s, joining us in 2000. She completed 53 years as a registered nurse, and 24 as a midwife in the Christchurch Neo Natal Unit, and served on vestry for many years. She was Provincial Commissioner of Guides NZ East-West Canterbury, and received her licentiate in Theology with Honours in 2012. She is married to Laurence, a Presbyterian minister, and has 3 children and 11 grandchildren.


Georgina Ennor
  Clergy    Vestry  Staff

Rev Dr John Fox (Priest in Charge)

John was raised in Westport, Christchurch and North Canterbury, and comes originally from a Pentecostal background. He has been an academic, worked in family and community restoration, public policy, and children’s and youth work, as well as stints in pastoral care for students and disabled people. He was ordained in 2018.  He is Priest in Charge at St Christopher’s, and Senior Ecumenical Chaplain at Canterbury University. He is married to Emma.


Rev Dr John Fox (Priest in Charge)

Laly Samuel

The Vicar, Wardens and vestry discerned to add Laly midyear 2021, and was unanimously added at the end of our Patronal Feast Day of St Christopher on 25 July!  Laly, a scientist with lots of letters behind her name, has a long investment into our church, leading in several areas and brings huge insight to our vestry.


Laly Samuel

Keith Spragg

Keith brings to vestry experience in similar positions in other churches together with a long career in Christian School administration. Keith is married to Wendy with two adult children, and came to St Christopher’s three years ago. Keith also assists with data projection in services.


Keith Spragg

Sarah Stevens-Gieseg

Sarah was returned to vestry for a third term at our last AGM.  She is a Leader in our worship team, Church Fair Organiser and loves providing hospitality. She and Steven have two adult sons. As a Sonographer, Sarah meets people from all walks of life, and wants to see a place for all of them at church. Sarah loves to see people in healthy growing relationships with God, and each other at St Christopher’s.


Sarah Stevens-Gieseg

Mark Squire

Mark has been a part of our family for over thirty years.  In that time he’s been involved in youth leadership, music ministry and audio/visual technical support for well over twenty of those years.  Mark is one of the worship team and tech leaders and cares for all the audio-visual systems for our parish.  He is also a big part of enormous audio/visual systems for large Christian events such as the annual Easter Camp.


Mark Squire

Cathy Allison Maasch

Cathy has been at St Christopher’s for years.  She is a Doctor (GP) along with her husband John.  They lead a Life Group, host a prayer group, help with missions, especially Ingwavuma Orphanage in South Africa.  They are both prayer champions in our parish and help as the wise states people every church desires.


Cathy Allison Maasch

Murray Irvine

Murray, was co-opted onto vestry for 2022.  a long time member of the parish, is a sort of not really retired real estate agent with most of his adult life invested in our community.  His help and development in helping in the smart physical and hospitality experience (He and Eileen owns a successful hospitality venue for many years), as well as building a smart business sense is indispensable.


Murray Irvine